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Lip Lift in Turkey, Type of Lip Lift | Medicsey

You may have heard of lip fillers many times. But there is a type of surgery called a lip lift that has almost the same expectations as lip fillers. Lip lift in turkey price is affordable.

Art Of Remedy
Types of lip lifts

There are several types of lip lifts. It’s important to know the types and techniques so you can have an informed discussion with your surgeon about which is right for you.

Direct lip lift

Direct lip lift

Subnasal bullhorn

Subnasal bullhorn

Central lip lift

Central lip lift

Corner lip lift

Corner lip lift

Recovery Take

The active recovery from lip lift surgery takes about 5-7 days. Patients usually experience a moderate amount of swelling and some pain, taking the painkillers prescribed by your doctor will help relieve the pain.

Hospitalization Needed

The period of time that you have to stay in turkey after you landing, approximately 1 to 3 days after that you can fly back home again.

Surgery Time

Usually and in most cases, this process is performed under local anesthesia but it can also be performed under IV sedation and takes about one hour to complete.

You may have heard about lip fillers many times before. But there is a type of surgery called a lip lift that has almost the same expectations as lip fillers. Lip lift in turkey price is affordable. This procedure that it is permanent and will look more natural than lip fillers. In this article, we will talk about lip lift types and lip lift surgery turkey cost.



What is a lip lift in Turkey?

Lip lift turkey is a type of plastic surgery that is performed to reduce the space behind the lips, get an inquiry for lip lift in turkey for free.

During this process, only the distance behind the lip is reduced, which makes the upper lip wider, and more slender. Doing so is suitable for people who want to increase the height of the lips rather than the volume. Each type of lip lift in turkey price differs between each type.


Types of lip lift in Turkey

Of course, in the end, it is your surgeon who will decide which type of operation technique you will need, but it is okay to be familiar with the types of lip lift surgery methods so that you can discuss the final results with your surgeon, and you can also discuss lip lift in turkey price.

So for your familiarity, we have explained 5 different types of lip lift below, which are:

Direct lip lift

The most common type of lip lift is the straight lift. In this method, an incision is made in the outer edge of the lips and after a small amount of skin is removed, the lips are given more volume and natural blush. This method of lip lift in turkey prices differs according to the doctor or the hospital.

Sub nasal bullhorn

Subcutaneous lip augmentation is more invasive than other methods. The number of incisions and the amount of tissue removed in this way is high. Due to the appearance of the wounds, this method is also called cow horn. Also, this method of lip lift in turkey price varies according to many conditions.

Central lip lift

The most famous types of elevators are central elevators. This type of lip augmentation is usually performed by rhinoplasty and is similar to the under-nose method, but leaves fewer scars and is more aesthetically pleasing. This method of lip lift in turkey price is high because there are two surgeries here.

Italian lip lift

This technique makes the shape of the lips more attractive and noticeable after the procedure. During this procedure, two small surgical incisions are made under both nostrils. The Italian lift is almost similar to the sub-nose lift but has many differences in the details, for example, the scar and the surgical scar using the Italian lift method is much smaller than the sub-nose lift. This method of lip lift in turkey price is also expensive.

Corner lip lift, Angled lip lift

Lifting the angle gives the face a cheerful, smiling face. In this method, a small incision is made near the corners of the lips and a small amount of skin is removed from these areas. Lip augmentation is often done using other lip augmentation techniques to give the lips more volume and height. This method of lip lift in turkey price also varies according to many conditions.



Who is the best candidate for a lip lift in Turkey?

There is no specific candidate, these days many people desire fuller and volumized lips, but we realized two groups of people may want to have lip augmentation.

Most of the candidates are middle-aged and older

Speaking of the candidates we found that the Most candidates for this procedure are middle-aged and older people who have a relatively large distance between their lips and nose. Because aging usually increases this distance and changes the angles between the lips and the nose. This can make the lips appear thinner and increase the chances of wrinkles developing and appearing around the lips.

Young people are also good candidates for this practice

Except for middle-aged and elderly people, young people may want to have lip lift surgery. Usually, such people are people who have a large distance between their nose and lips, lips that are thin and drooping. It is for this reason that they get lip fillers which are temporary, but either they did not achieve the ideal result or the appearance of their lips became unnatural. For this group of candidates who are not satisfied with the result of the filler injections, a lip lift is a permanent solution that provides the desired results and may reach their expectations.


Who are not good candidates for lip lift Turkey?

In the above section, we mentioned two groups of suitable candidates for this operation, but to be honest not everyone can perform this plastic surgery in any situation. For example, if you have any of the following conditions, you shouldn’t get lip lift surgery:

  • If the distance between the lip and the base of the nose is normal or  short (usually 1.5 cm)
  • If  you are a smoker and have not been able to quit smoking for a relatively long period of time (two to four weeks and possibly more)
  • If you have uncontrolled diabetes 
  • If you have any bleeding disorders such as hemophilia you may experience prolonged bleeding during or after surgery.
  • If you have herpes or any skin lesions near the lips or between the lips and nose.
  • In any of these situations, you better talk to your surgeon.
  • Make sure to ask about lip lift in turkey price before.


What do we do after the lip lift operation in Turkey?

  • You should rest for 24 hours after the operation.
  • Avoid strenuous exercises in the first few weeks after surgery
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol for at least a couple of weeks or more after surgery
  • Avoid sleeping on your face
  • Be careful when using a brush or any makeup, or skincare tools.
  • Make sure to keep your lips moisturized all day.
  • Clean the incisions carefully as directed by your surgeon.


The complications of lip lift in Turkey

Usually, any procedure that changes the structure of any part of the body has possible consequences. So complications may occur or they may not. This means that lip lift surgery in Turkey may have some potential side effects. But the good news is when you choose an experienced and qualified surgeon it can help significantly reduce the risk of complication. However, you should keep in mind before having the surgery that a lip lift turkey may have some complications or risks. Down below are some common potential complications, this is why it is important to choose the right surgeon.

  • The wound-healing process may be prolonged
  • Bleeding during surgery
  • May cause damage to the lip nerve in the nose
  • Having an allergy to some types of anesthesia


A lip lift in Turkey price

  • Lip lift in turkey price is not covered by insurance because it is a purely cosmetic procedure and does not require any treatment. lip lift in turkey price can be significant depending on some factors such as the place of residence, the type of technique used, and the surgeon you choose. it is better to discuss the final lip lift in turkey price after choosing a surgeon.
  • Also, the lip lift cost turkey depends on the quality of modern medical tools and the efficiency of the services provided by the medical center, in addition to the cost of medical tourism. 
  • But in general, the lip lift in turkey price can be affordable or expensive according to the factors and different lip lift technique types.


What type of surgeons should we choose for lip lift surgery in turkey?

Not every surgeon is qualified to do lip lift surgeries. Only plastic surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, head and neck surgeons, and a number of other trained surgeons can do this. This operation is a type of plastic surgery and if you do not choose an experienced surgeon, you may not reach your expected result and it becomes risky, so please choose your surgeon wisely. Lip lift in turkey price can also be determined due to the top surgeons or the most qualified hospitals.

In this article, we talked about lip lift surgery and lip lift in turkey price. Choose the best doctor and a qualified hospital or clinic to ensure you have the best results.


Procedure Name

Lip Lift

Operation Type

Cosmetic Surgery


Enhance upper lip aesthetics, and create a youthful look with a beautiful smile.

Eligible Candidates

Individuals with thin upper lips, long and clear distance between the nose and upper lips, and good overall health.

Surgical Techniques

Bullhorn Lip Lift, Gull Wing Lip Lift, Corner Lip Lift, Subnasal Lip Lift, Italian Lip Lift, etc.


Local or general anesthesia.

Procedure Duration

Approximately 1-2 hours.

Recovery Time

1-2 weeks for initial recovery, several weeks for complete healing.


Minimal scarring, usually concealed along the natural lip contour.


Lip lift in turkey price based on the technique used, clinic, and surgeon's expertise.

Risks & Complications

Infection, scarring, nerve damage, dissatisfaction with results.


Enhanced upper lip appearance, voluminous and blushed lips.


Medicsey in Turkey

Thinking of getting a lip lift?

Well, guess what! Our clinic is dedicated to providing exceptional care and delivering outstanding results. Our team in medicsey of skilled professionals has undergone extensive training to ensure your safety and satisfaction throughout the entire process.

Our team will be here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident throughout the entire process.

Embrace this opportunity for positive change, and remember that you deserve to feel beautiful and confident in your own skin. We are here in medicsey excited to embark on this journey with you and help you achieve the results you desire.

Lip Lift
The preparation of a lip lift

At first avoid eating or fasting for 8 to 6 hours before the operation;

Do not try to smoke for at least a couple of weeks before surgery.

Avoid taking any blood thinner for up to two weeks before surgery.

If you are under general anesthesia, have someone with you for up to 24 hours after the procedure.

  • How painful is a facelift?

    Medication can relieve tenderness because most patients experience some discomfort, but, bruising and swelling will be at their worst after 2 days, and they can start to vanish after several days.


  • Are face lifts worth it?

    The only way to treat these issues effectively is through surgery. A facelift will give more long-lasting results than non-surgical methods.

  • When do people need a face lift in Turkey?

    Generally, a facelift works best for people aged 40, 50, and 60 when signs of aging begin to become obvious.

  • What is the most effective type of face lift?

    The deep plane facelift is considered the most effective and long-lasting type. Type of facelift involves the layer of muscles under your facial skin.

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