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Porcelain Dental Crowns in Turkey | Medicsey

Porcelain dental crowns in Turkey are one of the common solutions to dental problems and have a much cheaper cost compared to other countries around the world.

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Porcelain dental crowns in Turkey are one of the common solutions to dental problems and have a much cheaper cost compared to other countries around the world.

Dental crowns in Istanbul are the cost-effective option and treatment venue where a visit to Turkey allows you to explore one of the greatest medical tourism destinations, and enjoy the local culture.

What are the uses of porcelain dental crowns in turkey?

  • Porcelain dental crowns beautify the teeth by repairing the defect that distorts their appearance to become attractive, flawless and comfortable for the patient.
  • Restore the function of broken and eroded teeth and beautify their appearance when other treatments do not work with them.
  • Reducing the risk of fracture in the teeth from which the nerve and root were removed, especially the molars.
  • Surrounding dental implants to strengthen them and protect them from fracture.
  • Protect and support weak teeth at risk of fracture due to caries.
  • Dentists use dental crowns to hold dental bridges in place.

What are the stages of manufacturing porcelain dental crowns?

  • Preparation and digging of the tooth and taking its size to prepare the edition.
  • Dental Industry.
  • Fitting the crown and trying it on to make any adjustments if necessary.
  • Attaching the crown to the tooth using dental adhesives.
  • Remove and clean the excess adhesive on the tooth tips.

About the procedure

Porcelain dental crowns installation in Turkey follows the same steps as in the rest of the world. They are simply a form of dental restoration, tailored to each individual patient.

 A crown comes as a tooth-shaped cap to act as a "helmet" for the remaining teeth and thus helps with the shape, size, appearance and strength of the tooth.

 With the dental crown held securely in place, a damaged, decaying or poorly functioning tooth will not be visible from above the gum line.

The main reason for needing a porcelain dental crowns is damaged or decayed teeth. As long as the root is still intact, this procedure will be possible, since the dental crown will be installed on it.

 A porcelain tooth crown is an excellent form of protection, as it encases a broken tooth, protecting it from further breakage or decay.

Additional uses for crowns may be to cover teeth that have a large filling, and to cover misshapen teeth.

 Other useful applications include covering a tooth that has received root canal treatment and even fixing a dental bridge in place. If your tooth is on the verge of completely decaying or separating, a porcelain tooth crown will help maintain structural integrity, holding it together, while protecting teeth that rupture cavities as crowns are able to act as a retainer for the more fragile parts of your teeth, this strength-coated fort will protect injured structure.

Besides the cost of porcelain tooth crown is being exceptionally reasonable, there are also medical benefits that should not be neglected. Porcelain dental crowns enhance your smile with aesthetic benefits. Tooth discoloration, tooth decay and a disfigured smile are not a problem anymore. The color of the dental crown perfectly matches the tone of your teeth, renews your confidence and allows you to shine with your new smile.

The type of dental crowns in turkey

The type of porcelain dental crowns in Turkey you get in Turkey depends on your individual requirements and situation.

Here are the types of dental crowns:

Temporary dental crowns

Temporary dental crowns usually made of stainless steel or acrylic. The installation of a dental crown in Turkey is a semi-permanent solution until the final crown is manufactured. Children's stainless steel dental crowns are also available to protect damaged teeth, until the deciduous teeth fall out. In addition, when it falls, the existing crown falls with it.

Porcelain dental crowns

Dental crowns made of porcelain or ceramic are the most durable and strong dental implants available. If you are allergic to metal, it is also very useful, due to its non-reactive properties, which makes it suitable for anyone. They can be applied to the front or back teeth, allowing you to apply the same crown color and material to any or all of your teeth. These Porcelain dental crowns will provide the best natural color match than any other type.

Resin crowns

The cost of resin crowns is generally lower than other materials. But crowns of this type perform their function at a minimum. That is, although they are usable, they are not as long lasting as crowns made of other materials. In addition, fractures, abrasion and breakage are other aspects to consider before making your decision.

Metal-impregnated porcelain dental crowns

Metal porcelain crowns are the perfect solution if you want an alternative between a metal and Porcelain dental crowns. Often seen as the best, this type of dental crown can go with the natural color of your teeth, however, unlike metal dental crowns, this type is less durable when compared to a metal crown. In terms of quality, too, ceramic-impregnated crowns are second only to full porcelain. However, erosion affects the teeth that are in contact with the crown at the top and bottom of your mouth, so metallic porcelain dental crowns can be a good option.

Installation stages of the porcelain dental crowns

The first visit

On your first visit to Istanbul, the expert dentist will perform tests to assess the affected tooth and determine the best option for you.  you will be able to determine the cost of a dental crown for you, depending on your needs. The tooth's root will be examined, followed by multiple x-rays so that the condition of your teeth can be analyzed. If the root is affected or rotted, you should undergo root canal treatment before the dental crown process can begin. After that, the design phase for your porcelain dental crowns in Turkey will begin.

Once the process has begun, a local anesthetic is injected, and the target tooth is then lowered down from the two sides close to the gum, allowing the crown to be set in place. If the remaining tooth does not fit, the material collected from the filling will be redirected to create a place for the crown.

 Once the tooth repair is complete, a mold is created for your dental crown. Digital scanning can be used to create a gap, or, depending on your requirements, putty can be used to manually obtain the crown. Scans and design suggestions are sent to a laboratory to manufacture the desired crowns. Usually this takes between two to three weeks, for the crown to return to our hospital.

Second visit

At this stage, the temporary crown will be removed. Permanent crowns are inspected and tested for structure and color. If everything matches according to the treatment plan, the permanent crown is installed in place.

What are the problems of porcelain dental crowns in turkey?


The pain usually begins after the anesthesia wears off and lasts for several hours. It is recommended to take light analgesics such as paracetamol to relieve this pain.

If the nerve of the tooth on which the crown is placed is not removed, the tooth may be sensitive to hot and cold foods and drinks. In this case, dentists recommend using an anti-allergic toothpaste.

The patient may suffer from pain when biting and chewing due to the height of the crown from its original level. If you encounter this case, you must visit the dentist to restore the crown to its level.


One of the common problems when using porcelain or fused metal crowns is fracture, as these crowns are too thin and brittle to hard foods.

If the fracture is minor, the dentist can repair it by sticking it with dental gum.

If the fracture is large, the crown must be replaced with a new one.


Sometimes, the amount of adhesive used to install the crown decreases, which makes room for food residues to accumulate under the crown, making it a suitable environment for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi that cause infections and decay. In this case, it is recommended to visit the dentist in order to fill the void under the crown.

Dental crowns falling out:

Dental crowns can fall out of place due to erosion of the adhesive materials, in this case, you must visit the dentist who will clean the tooth and crown well in preparation for reinstalling the crown again.

Allergic reaction:

A patient may experience an allergic reaction to the metals in metal or ceramic fused to metal crowns, but it is rare. In these cases, doctors recommend changing the type of crown used to a metal-free type, such as a pure porcelain crown, or using an anti-allergic toothpaste.

What is the average lifespan of dental crowns?

The lifespan of dental crowns, on average, ranges from 10 to 15 years. The life span of porcelain dental crowns depends on the amount of damage that may be exposed to them and the extent to which the patient adheres to dental hygiene habits such as:

  • Not biting nails
  • Not using teeth to open cans
  • Avoid drinking hot and cold drinks in succession

Dental crowns price:

It is difficult to determine a fixed price for porcelain dental crowns, as their prices vary and their cost varies depending on several factors, including:

  • The quality of the materials used in the manufacture of the crown.
  • The doctor’s experience, competence and reputation of the medical center you deal with.
  • Crown type (temporary crowns - permanent crowns).
  • The general health of your teeth and gums.
  • Number of sessions needed to install the crown.

In the end, Porcelain dental crowns are a great solution for dental problems and Turkey is one of the best destinations for its installation, so do not hesitate to improve your oral health, as it is the most valuable thing you have.

Porcelain Dental Crowns
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