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Vaser Lipo in Turkey Price | Medicsey

It is very natural for people who want to have a slim body and drawn muscles to inquire about the Vaser lipo in turkey price before resorting to the operation...

Art Of Remedy
How does VASER liposuction work?

VASER lipo offers a sensitive and minimally invasive liposuction technology that produces eye-catching results without the need for discomfort and long recovery times as in traditional liposuction treatments. Here is targeted areas for treatment;

Back and Flanks

Back and Flanks

The Tummy or Abdomen

The Tummy or Abdomen

Chin, Jowls and Neck

Chin, Jowls and Neck

Thighs and Buttocks

Thighs and Buttocks

Surgery Time

The duration of the operation differs depending on the number and size of the areas to be treated, the VASER lipo method generally takes between 1 or 2 hours.

Recovery Take

You can continue your normal life a few days after the procedure, and we recommend that the patient wears a special corset for a certain period of time.

Hospitalization Needed

After 3-4 hours of rest from the  VASER lipo application, you can leave the clinic. And after 1 - 2 days you return to your country.

It is very natural for people who want to have a slim body and drawn muscles to inquire about the Vaser lipo in turkey price before resorting to the operation, despite the many advantages that this cosmetic treatment procedure carries, in addition to the great flexibility in performing it; it is a surgical and non-surgical procedure at the same time. The price of the procedure remains one of the most important things that hinder the procedure of Vaser liposuction turkey, and people think that the price of this procedure is relatively high because it requires advanced medical mechanisms and devices.

What is the Vaser liposuction procedure?

  • Liposuction is performed using the quadruple laser technique or the so-called Vaser, during which the fat around the muscles and in the surrounding area is dissolved using ultrasound waves of high accuracy and power that are higher and better than the radiation used in the regular laser technology, and this procedure is very accurate as the doctor can or the specialist sculpts the shape of the muscles that the patient wants to obtain and shapes them in the states of rest and movement.
  • This technique is able to sculpt the body in angles, muscles, and places that other techniques cannot reach, especially sculpting the chin muscles and getting rid of the fat from the inner thighs and the fat that accumulates in the arms.
  • The ideal end results of Vaser liposuction made it one of the most common and widespread procedures all over the world, and this is the main reason why many people think that the Vaser lipo in turkey price is very high compared to other procedures, but in fact, the Vaser lipo in turkey price depends on specific bases and criteria, a specific cost cannot be disclosed, but during this article, it will become clear to you, that the Vaser lipo in Turkey price is reasonable.

The Vaser liposuction conditions

To ensure the success of Vaser liposuction turkey, there are a number of conditions, controls, and limitations, including:

  • If the fat gain is not large, that is, no more than 30% of the person's weight.
  • That the increase in fat is concentrated in certain areas of the human body and is not distributed over the whole body. This technique works accurately, so the more specific the area, the greater the success of this procedure.
  • In the case of obesity in areas such as the upper arms, thighs, abdominal area, chin, stomach, chest, legs, and knee circumference.
  • Vaser liposuction turkey is suitable for areas with complex and difficult fibrous tissues, such as the back area.
  • Vaser lipo turkey is used in cases of male breast enlargement, or what is known as gynecomastia.
  • Vaser liposuction is useful in sculpting a woman’s body after pregnancy and childbirth, in order to get rid of the fat that accumulates in the abdominal area after childbirth.

Vaser liposuction steps

To clarify the procedures that take place in Vaser liposuction turkey, the process takes place within the following steps and stages:

  • Anesthesia: In Vaser liposuction, the procedure is performed under the influence of topical anesthesia, which reduces pain and makes it almost non-existent, but in some cases where patients feel tension and fear of the operation, they are completely anesthetized in the process of Vaser lipo turkey from the body.
  • Surgical incision: A very small incision is made, not exceeding a few millimeters, in order to inject fluid through this incision using a small channel. This solution consists of a salt that causes an increase in the thickness of the fatty layer that the patient wants to get rid of and remove, and this liquid numbs the area from which the fat is liposuction using the Vaser technique. Also, the fluid reduces blood loss during the procedure due to the separation of blood vessels during liposuction.
  • Closing the surgical incision: After completing the Vaser liposuction, the duct is pulled out and the incision closed, which is a simple and painless procedure.
  • The fluid used in the Vaser liposuction process has several important functions that ensure the success of the Vaser liposuction process and achieve the best level of benefit. These functions include:
  • It reduces the occurrence of bruising and inflammation that results from the operation.
  • Accelerate the recovery and recovery process compared to other liposuction techniques.
  • Targeting the parts that want to get rid of fat with high precision and specificity.
  • Using liquid facilitates the process of drawing muscles and Vaser liposuction, especially drawing stomach muscles and removing fat in the chin and arms area.
  • Liposuction is the fat absorption without exposing the nerves, tissues, or blood vessels to the area to be liposuction from any damage or harm during the procedure of Vaser liposuction.

Vaser lipo in Turkey price

At first, the Vaser lipo in turkey price varies from one country to another, for example, we find that the price is very high in the United States of America, and some European countries that are emerging in the field of plastic surgery will also find the cost of this procedure is high, due to many reasons, including the high The standard of living in those countries, and accordingly, we will now talk about the most important bases and criteria that determine the Vaser lipo in turkey price, including:

  • First: The country and city in which the Vaser lipo turkey will take place. One of the most prominent bases that determine the Vaser lipo in turkey price is choosing the appropriate country and then the city. It is known to everyone that Turkey contains large cities such as Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Istanbul, and other cities that are famous for plastic surgery, but Istanbul remains one of the best cities that offer procedures Aesthetics are somewhat cheaper compared to other cities.
  • Secondly: specialist doctors, it is known that Vaser liposuction is a surgical and non-surgical treatment procedure at the same time, and therefore the presence of a large group of specialized doctors is required, and the Vaser lipo in turkey price depends on the presence of doctors, there are beauty centers that depend on a large number of procedures for the procedure. Specialists in this field and this is one of the most important things that determine the cost of this treatment process.
  • Third: Specialized Beauty Center, also, one of the most important bases that determine the Vaser lipo in turkey price is choosing the specialized center in this field. It is natural that the specialized medical complex is equipped with the latest devices, techniques, and tools used in this field.

If you feel frustrated as certain areas of your body are resistant to diet and exercise, Vaser lipo can provide you with a great solution. If you are in good health and looking for a quick and painless solution to losing stubborn fat deposits, then the Vaser lipo procedure may be the answer. Although there are limits to the amount of fat that can be removed, your doctor can help you make your decision about potential areas for sculpting, expected results, the recovery process, and determine Vaser lipo in turkey price according to each area.

Vaser Lipo
The advantages of Vaser liposuction

The technology began in the United States of America with the approval of the Food and Drug Administration for the first time in 2001, and selective sound wave techniques were used, and medical devices began to develop, reaching the fourth generation that is prevalent these days.

The high accuracy in targeting the fats and cells to be disposed of, as it specifically targets fat cells and does not cause any damage to the surrounding tissues.

The possibility of sculpting the body and shaping muscles in places and parts of the body. Other techniques cannot achieve the same result on the same angles and muscles. They also dissolve the stubborn fat that the person could not get rid of through exercise and diet or even using other techniques for liposuction from the body.

Reducing the possibility of bleeding after the completion of the Vaser liposuction procedure, unlike other techniques that may cause bleeding for the patient after completing the procedure.

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