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Cataract Surgery Cost in Turkey | Medicsey

One of the most prevalent diseases, especially among the elderly and children, is cataract disease, which leads to cataract surgery in turkey. This disease affects the eye and leads to blurry or double vision.

Types of cataracts

White water in the middle of the lens of the eye

White water in the middle of the lens of the eye

Cataracts on the edges of the lens of the eye

Cataracts on the edges of the lens of the eye

Cataract behind the lens of the eye

Cataract behind the lens of the eye

Wearing sunglasses

Direct exposure to sunlight causes the rapid development of cataracts, so it is preferable to wear sunglasses to protect against ultraviolet rays.

Reduce drinking alcohol

Consuming alcohol in large quantities makes the risk of developing cataracts high, so it is preferable to reduce drinking alcohol as much as possible.

Blood sugar regulation

Diabetics have to monitor the level of sugar in the blood continuously because its constant rise leads in the majority of cases to developing cataracts.

What is cataract disease?

The lens of the eye is located behind the pupil, and it’s kept inside a bag that completely covers it, with the components of the lens, and those components are certainly transparent and stable in place until something strange happens. That changes their nature in the event of an injury or a cut in this bag, so the transparent color turns into a white color that is felt in the patient in the form of blurry or foggy vision. At first, this fog affects a small part of the eye and then, begins to spread after a while until it is over the entire eye, causing completely distorted vision. Consequently, surgery is necessary, and such surgeries are very widespread in the world, and they’re easy, which leads us to cataract surgery in turkey.



Symptoms of cataracts in the eye are:

  • Blurry or double vision.
  • Inability to distinguish colors.
  • Myopia.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Desire to change eyeglasses on a regular basis.

And this is why all doctors warn against the continued feeling of blurry vision that glasses cannot treat. In this case, a diagnosis must be made immediately, and cataract surgery in turkey must be performed because continuing for a long time without treatment may lead to vision loss.


Types of cataracts that need cataract surgery in turkey:

Some may think that cataracts are one type and have the same diagnosis, but they are different and differ depending on where they are located in the eye, and we will know how this happens:

  • White water in the middle of the lens of the eye (nuclear cataract): initially causes myopia, and then leads to the inability to read, and the condition continues to develop and multiply over time, causing the color of the lens to turn yellow or brown, and then the patient begins to feel blind and loses the ability to distinguish between colors.
  • Cataracts on the edges of the lens of the eye (cortical cataracts): in the beginning, the cataract is around the lens from the outside and resembles an arc, and after a time it begins to expand in the form of lines to the middle and interfere with the light that passes through the lens.
  • Cataract behind the lens of the eye (posterior cataract): forms at the back of the lens and directly interferes with the path of light, causing cataracts, difficulty reading, and seeing halos surrounding lights at night. This type of cataract tends to develop rapidly during childhood; it may be caused by genetics, an intrauterine infection, or others.


The reasons that lead to cataract surgery in turkey

As we mentioned before, the incidence of cataracts affects a greater percentage of the elderly, children, and newborns, and for various reasons, adults and young people may get infected with it, but at a lower rate:

  • Being bruised or injured.
  • A cut in the cornea of the eye.
  • Uveitis.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Obesity.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • As for the fetuses, they develop cataracts due to some problems during pregnancy, such as the mother’s infection with a virus or something else, as well as a problem during childbirth that leads to injury to the child and damage to the eye, or it is a congenital condition.

As well as the elderly, some cases develop as a result of age and the occurrence of some natural changes in the lens, but there are some cases that increase the possibility of developing cataracts, such as diabetes, smoking, a previous operation in the eye, and high blood pressure. So the treatment for cataracts is to have cataract surgery in turkey.


Treatment of cataracts

Cataracts are only treated by doing a cataract surgery in turkey, and it can also be treated with a laser operation without surgery. As for the surgery, a small opening is made and ultrasound waves are used in this process, while the laser uses are that some doctors make this small incision instead of the regular method using a different device. Cataract surgery in turkey is a guaranteed success, and the cost of cataract surgery in turkey in Medicsey varies between the two methods.


The steps before, during, and after cataract surgery turkey

Before the cataract surgery in turkey:

The patient must do some tests, one or two weeks before the operation, to check on his health status, and the doctor takes the size of the eye to determine the corneal curvature, and the length of the eye in order to help the surgeon choose the appropriate lens. Also, they ask the patient to stop the anticoagulant medications as per the doctor’s instructions.

During the cataract surgery in turkey:

There is no need for general anesthesia; they only anesthetize the eye. The patient may take some relaxing medications, and the procedure only takes a few minutes.

After the cataract surgery in turkey:

The vision may improve within days; it might be blurry at first during the healing process, but the vision will definitely be better due to the new lens. The doctor might ask the patient to cover the eye for a few days until it heals, and the patient must also take some specific eye drops and medication, in order to prevent any further complications and control the eye pressure. There might be some itching, pain, and discomfort but it’s normal. Also, the patient might not be able to see clearly in the bright light.


Instructions for after cataract surgery turkey

  • The patient must visit the doctor after one or two days, after a week, and after a month.
  • The patient must not rub the eye.
  • The patient must not drive, bow, or pick up heavy things.
  • The patient must be careful during bathing so the eye isn’t exposed to soap or water.
  • The patient must swim neither in the pools nor in the sea.
  • The patient must not do violent exercises.
  • The patient must gently clean the eye using sterile water and a cotton towel without rubbing or pressing on the eye.
  • The patient must avoid strong coughing and sneezing and also avoid constipation as much as possible.


What is the suitable time for cataract surgery in turkey?

The suitable time for this surgery differs from patient to patient. For example, if the patient works in a domain that requires sharp eyesight (like the pilot), and the patient’s vision is 6/6 or 6/9, with blurred vision, then the patient must undergo surgery because it can hinder him from doing his job. On the other side, if the patient works in a domain that doesn’t require sharp eyesight (like the farmer), his vision is 6/9, and he doesn’t feel any changes in his vision, he doesn’t need the surgery.

The suitable time for the operation is when the patient starts to complain, about blurry vision while wearing glasses or feeling discomfort in the eyes.


Does cataract return after cataract surgery in turkey?

Doctors confirm that cataracts cannot return to the eye again after cataract surgery in turkey, due to the removal of the natural lenses and the implantation of new ones, so the new lenses can never suffer from cataracts.


Ways to protect the eyes from Cataracts

There are no studies confirming the existence of fixed steps to prevent cataracts, but many doctors suggest some precautions that can reduce the chances of infection, or reduce the rapid development when already infected, which are:

Periodic inspection: Undergoing a periodic eye examination when feeling any difference, even a small one, and even checking for reassurance from time to time is important and necessary, and helps you discover problems at an early stage, and treat them in an easier and simpler way without the cataract surgery in turkey.

Quit Smoking: Smoking is one of the most negative health habits that leads to a significant number of diseases such as lung cancer and, in some cases, cataracts, especially with age.

Consuming more vegetables and fruits: Continuously eating vegetables and fruits protects the body from many diseases, especially those that contain a high percentage of antioxidants, as they reduce the risk of developing cataracts in particular and improve eyesight as well. Though there is no confirmed study showing that antioxidant drugs help prevent, however, there are many other studies confirming that following a diet that depends on eating vegetables and fruits, or even including them in your diet, helps reduce the development of cataracts when infected with them.


Some myths about cataracts

  • It’s possible to prevent or treat cataracts by changing your lifestyle: It’s impossible to treat cataracts like that, and the only way is through surgery.
  • Only old people could have cataracts: This is wrong because cataracts can happen in children too.
  • Spending long hours in front of screens or reading causes cataracts: These factors could contribute to developing eyestrain, difficulties in concentration, and dry eyes, but they can’t cause cataracts.
  • All cataracts cause blindness if left untreated: Some cases of cataracts could cause blindness if left untreated, but not all of them.
  • Cataract surgery is dangerous: On the contrary, these surgeries are very safe and normally don’t leave any vision problems.


Cataract surgery cost in turkey

If the patient decides to undergo cataract surgery in the eye abroad, he should know that the cataract surgery cost in turkey varies according to the type, the doctor, and the hospital.

Bottom line, cataract surgery in turkey is a must if the patient has a cataract, because the eye is one of the most sensitive organs in the body, and the sense of sight is one of the most important senses. The connection of these two facts together makes the person pay special attention to the eye. The patient must beware of any bacteria, viruses, or any foreign body that may approach the eye because the damage will not be simple, and the consequences will not be tolerated in most cases.


Cataract surgery in turkey cost

The cost of cataract surgery in turkey and the installation of a lens is as follows:

  • The cataract surgery cost in turkey with a mono-focal lens is the least expensive.
  • As well, cataract surgery cost in turkey with a lens to fix astigmatism is mediumly expensive.
  • The cataract surgery cost in turkey with multifocal lenses is the highest.


What are the cons of cataract surgery turkey?

The only disadvantage of cataract surgery is that it's not as precise as the laser procedure, but the cataract surgery in turkey cost is lower than laser.


Medicsey in Turkey:

We all know that the eyes are one of the most sensitive organs in the human body, so we need to take very good care of them. Here in medicsey, we ensure you that we can provide you with the best team and equipment for cataract surgery in turkey. The team educates the patients with all the information they need to know before the surgery, and it stays in touch with them after the procedure until full recovery. We believe that health is the most precious treasure that people have, and we take very good care of it. As for the cataract surgery in turkey cost, it's affordable for everyone through medicsey.

Cataract Surgery
Signs to call the doctor after cataract surgery in turkey

The patients must talk to the doctor immediately if any of these symptoms happen:

Continuous pain despite the use of painkillers.

Increased redness of the eye.

Swelling of the eyelid.

The appearance of new spots on the eye.

Vision loss.

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